I have uploaded svgs pages for the Santiago Staff. As before the glyphs are separated, and numbered. Again I have uploaded pages with whole, and wrapped lines.

However there is a big cautionary note; the lines on these pages are given in “Horley-order”, rather than the traditional order. So line 1 is the traditional “11”, 2 is “10” and so on. The last line 14 is the traditional “12.” This is the same order as Fischer backwards. Obviously I should have placed the traditional numbers in parenthesis (or something user-friendly like that), but these pages have been generated automagically, and doing such things would require that I edit them by hand. Surely anyone can do the calculation 14 – (n+2) modulo 14 in their head?

While better quality images for Fischer drawings were all added at once, the better quality images for the Barthel tracings are being added little by little. So far A, B, E, K, R, and S had been added. Today I am adding Tablet (Item) I: bitmap and svg.

Again I’d like to thank M. de Laat for providing the scanned files.