For those who are tired of horizontal scrolling, I have now added yet another display option. (XML is fun.)
The line wrapping is auto-generated, so it may not always fall in the most opportune place. For this reason I have doubled glyphs near the line wrap. To avoid confusion, the doubled glyphs are displayed in grey/mauve on second occurrence. Since the wrapping depends entirely on the choice of line length, the line breaks are different on the Fischer displays as those lines are generally drawn much longer with more widely spaced glyphs.

Pages for G have been added.
G with lines and codes – Barthel
G with lines and codes – Fischer

I have now added some experiments that I made with a new version of a complete corpus. This is going to be a big file. Including the tablets completed so far (A – G, J, K and L) it is already 45+ MB. Using this file I can now search for glyphs and display them in context. Some random samples are shown on the pages linked to below.
Search function test pages
I have added svg display pages for Items C and K. Again these are pages with codes and lines identifying the glyphs. Pages for both Barthel’s tracings and Fischer drawings have been added. I have also revised the earlier pages (A, B, D, E, J, L) and corrected some errors.

The higher quality Barthel images are now complete. Pages which display them and the preliminary svgs created from them are now up. In particular items C, F, M, O, U, V, W, and X have been added. Note that these pages contain only what is actually drawn in Barthel. Lines Fa5, Fb1-4, Ub1, will display broken image links. Also the lines of item O are renumbered Oa3-9 to match Fischer’s numbering.

scanned images

The svgs will be the basis for improved search and display pages, including Barthel/Fischer comparison pages.
The display of the quality scanned images will also need to be improved.


Svg display with codes and lines for Tablet E (“Keiti”) has been added as well. See the previous entry for the link.

For T:

It seems I keep putting up more versions of the same thing. But here now finally are pages which use the svg images to display the tablets together with their codes. So far Items A, B, and D for both Barthel and Fischer tracings have been completed.

On these pages, the glyphs are individualized and clickable. Hovering over a glyph will hilite it in cyan. Lines are displayed to show glyph subdivisions, except in the case of stacked glyphs. So far the codes are still the original codes of Barthel/CEIPP. Missing codes are indicated with “_”.

However it should be noted that the “traditional” order of glyphs has been changed. As has long been known, stacked glyphs should be read bottom to top. Nevertheless the numbering given by Barthel (and CEIPP) has always given the codes top_glyph:bottom_glyph. For example the third glyph group on Tahua, side a, line 2 was written as 103a:095bjt. This has now been changed. If the codes are selected and copied, it will be noted that the order has been reversed. This will become more apparent as further interfaces are put up.

Better organization of the welter of pages now on this site still awaits.

I am now posting another example of the kind of thing that svgs make possible. Here is a single page comparison of the drawings by Fischer and Barthel for Item A. Note that in this case the scale of the Fischer images has been adjusted to match the scale and spacing of the Barthel glyphs. As a result the glyphs match up perfectly, making comparison much easier.
It should be noted however, that, due to the simple algorithm used for scaling, stacked and linked glyph combinations may appear to be “broken.” Conversely some glyphs, which Fischer draws separately will appear to touch.

For G:

For L:

In this case the line is curved. The scanned version shows as is. For the svg the line has been straightened. This was achieved by isolating the glyphs and rotating them individually, and then placing them so as to preserve the distance between glyphs.