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The Easter Island Tablets: Decipherments

A. Carroll

Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol.1 (1892)


things, and the daughter of a chief of the clan of the upper-waters, the people of the noble bands of the Charcas, of the master and lord of these, she was the daughter of these Sun's people; from her afterwards descended the chiefs of the Coyaimas; in after times Huasca and Ata overthrew these Sun's people, seized them, and also seized their valley to the end of the pass, when on the coast they attacked the branch of the Manta then upon that coast. The coast people who were descended from the people at the region of the head-waters, where their sacred ancestors died near the fires of the Sun, which Sun is the chief inspector of men, women, and the spirits in whose temple burns the Sun-fire, the source of other fires of the Sun, the coast-land tribes thus referred to are the Chincha, and their rulers, who were punished and overthrown when Quito's freedom was ended by Ata and his warriors; but previous to these sacred ones being overwhelmed and ended, the Eagle tribe had conquered and overturned their chiefs, bringing these to an end, and leaving the people without a chief or head, for the Chincha nation. Then the spirits of the dead caused other rulers to govern these Chincha, but the Snakes coming like venomous Serpents to these Sun's people, and the mothers' resting places, and to the people from the upper-waters, these mothers and these ancestors were seized, and those ancestors of the people from the head-waters were bound up, and then this sacred and handsome tribe was gorged, the barbarians gorged them, the beloved tribe; they took that portion of Quito and ended it, with these head-waters' people, in Quito who had been related to the Cuchuna, whom the Eagle tribe had once overthrown, as our wise teachers tell us how these tribes from the headwaters' region were punished and overthrown and their sacred ancestors, and their Sun-fires were lighted nearer the coast, with their women, their temple officers of the Sun's people, and the Vestals of the Sun's people, to Quito came these beloved tribes. From the snowy mountains, say our wise teachers came the people of Rapa when their Sun-fires were extinguished, and their sacred ancestors were seized, under the chiefs chosen near the Sun-fires the men of this tribe moved off. (The translation of the back of No. 1 tablet here commences.)
   "The sacred bodies borne by our ancestors, the holy men of the tribe, these holy ones approached the coast, dividing into these branches in the coast countries, one settling near where sacred Tu was beloved by his tribe, another among the Cañario, the others scattering among those people their relations from the snowy mountains, those from Lican, and those from Runahuanac, among these Sun's people on the coast, and among the people from the headwaters these tribes settled, and near other clans now dead. The Huarina, whose chief was gorged and whose clan is dead. The Uramarca of the head-waters whose clan is dead. The Huarina were gorged


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