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The Rongorongo of Easter Island

A Genealogy on Tablet G (Small Santiago Tablet) ?

In 1956 the Russian journal Sovetskaja Ehtnografija published an article by Nikolai Butinov and Yuri Knorozov where they drew attention to a sequence of signs lign 6 of the verso of Tablet G (in colours in the picture below).

590x178 GIF, 7k

Note how its pattern is similar to that of a genealogy where each person is identified by title, name, and father's name with a suffix attached (table below); and how with each new name the father's name (in red) moves one position to the left in the genealogy (rightmost column), just like the signs highlighted in red in the hieroglyphic text.

Hieroglyphs Transliteration Fancy genealogy
140x60 GIF 200 - 769 - 381 - 002.076 King Linus Einarsson
140x60 GIF 200 - 381?? - 280.076 King Einar Haraldsson
140x60 GIF 200 - 280 - 730.076 King Harald Olavsson
140x60 GIF 200 - 730 - 517a.076 King Olav Erlingsson
140x60 GIF 200 - 517a - 222.076 King Erling Haakonsson

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