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Easter Island: Early Witnesses

William Thomson


Verbena officinalis, and a few others grow in great profusion, but they grew from cuttings obtained from a French vessel of war.
   Ferns of many varieties are common, and grow in profusion in the craters of the volcanoes. Except in a few exposed places, the slopes of the hills and the valleys are covered with a perennial grass. It strongly resembles the Jamaica grass (Paspalum) and grows in bunches or tufts, which in the dry season become so slippery as to make the walking both difficult and dangerous. This natural growth supplies ample pasturage for the numerous cattle and sheep owned by Messrs. Salmon and Brander.
   To avoid the depredations of the sheep that wander over the island without restraint, the natives are compelled to protect their cultivated patches by stone walls. The volcanic stones furnish the only available material for these barriers, and are thrown loosely together to a height of 5 or 6 feet, and inclose gardens from a few feet square to several acres. The deeply rooted prejudice existing in the native mind against physical exertion that might be avoided, has developed a happy expedient to save labor and at the same time to escape the ravages of the animals lately imported by the foreign residents. Ruins of houses, cairns, platforms, and tombs are thickly scattered over the island; many of the standing walls are sufficiently well preserved and others require but little repair. Within these ancient foundation walls are raised their limited crops of fruit and vegetables; the only disadvantage being the contracted area available for each plot.


   There are no quadrupeds peculiar to the island except several varieties of rodents. The ancient traditions claim that a goat-like animal was found here by the first colonists, with wide-spreading horns and giving six young at a birth. It is difficult to imagine the foundation for this fancy. We found no representation of such an animal either in the mural paintings or outlined on the sculptured rocks, and diligent search of the débris of the caves failed to disclose any of the bones or traces of mammals.
   La Pérouse found the islanders without domestic animals, and left with them two ewes, a she-goat, and a sow, with the male of each species. Their native names indicate the recent addition to the language. In the caves and among the ruins we saw many rats of great size. The examination of the tombs disclosed the fact that the bones had been frequently gnawed by these rodents, and their nests were sometimes found inside the crania.
   There are on the island a few cats as wild as though they had never seen the face of man, though they are descended from feline pets landed by some passing vessel. They have grown to an immense size, and upon several occasions when encountered in the dark recesses of a cave


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