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The Rongorongo of Easter Island

Item P:  The Great St. Petersburg Tablet, verso, line 7


622x74 gif
622x15 gif
730.1-   90-   230.81a-    21e.10-   21e.63-   44ax-739-200.49f.10-   200.49f.400y-   

622x74 gif
622x15 gif
3a.3a-200.710ax-45-4-45-4.52-  45-4- 200.50d-  1- 200.50d- 1.200.50d- 22bfy-200.50d-

622x74 gif
622x15 gif
22bfy.242a-  4- 45-711Va-43h:246ak.45.711Va-381y-205sy-81a-482a-21e.10-21e.10-144f-

622x74 gif
622x15 gif
599g-  45f-700x-81a-421a- 49f- 565.380y-200.440- 280a-  209g-     280a- 27af- 

622x74 gif
622x15 gif
203s.21et-9-710x-9c.74af-206-1f-206-    1f-77b-464ay-    78-  78y- 386.78-      78y- 

622x74 gif
622x15 gif
386V.78-      78-  10y.1-700.61*

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