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Easter Island: Early Witnesses

William Thomson


preserve symmetry and effect, men, canoes, fish, etc., are represented of the same size throughout the lines.
   A careful study of the hieroglyphics of Easter Island is being made with the hope that valuable information may be obtained in regard to the early history and origin of the people. Results of an extremely interesting nature are barely outlined at present and not in shape to be presented herewith. It is not considered expedient to attempt an explanation of the symbols until the subject can be treated exhaustively. As an example of the ideographic character of the signs, the tablet containing the genealogical tables shows a frequent repetition of the symbol of the great spirit Meke-Meke in connection with that of the female vulva. The signification is the birth of a person. The position of the figures shows whether the child was the result of marriage, or intrigue, and the following figures indicate the date of the birth, the seasons and the approximate time. An important feature, in connection with the tablets, is the fact that forms have been discovered which have no types on Easter Island, and which may lead to an identification of the locality from whence the first settlers migrated. The hieroglyphics include, besides the representation of actual objects, figures used by the chiefs, and each clan had its distinctive mark. Samples are given in different treaties made with the islanders of the sign-manual of some of the chiefs. (See Plates XXXVI- XLIX.)



(Plates XXXVI and XXXVII.)

   Timo te kakaha piki apai te roria aruki e tangata Mohonâkuta mohonga matangi eiri apai ia ra Techo i te ika mahoi rua matangi apai tirori mahoi rua matangi tahoi te tha tahoi hakavirri ia tapui rurenga tahri te ika tahoi te ata e tau ira tau na mimi hara rau kina ata rangi no no tupa kan k maka reva atea e tau ira matuku hara atarungi no no tapairu renga ava ki hoato.
   Houa kata-kata hura matini rau hanga tamaru kia tun ama tavake toto tunmakeuka tantan mea te kura. Ki hi honga te kura e aku tapaini kari mao aku hoa-hoa tae kote kura mata ki rei aaku tapa iru nei kairi mai aku hora-hora tae kote kura.
   Mata ki rei mata ku haka iri marai matairi maru matai maru ka irira tapui rei tapui ranga muku kiri mai aku hoa-hoa tae kote kura. Mata ki rei mata ku haka iri maru matai maru matai rara ku uira tapui rei tapui rei tapu ranga muku kairi mai aku hora-hora kapainga mai. E. tangaroa te mare kura hapai e haka ihi mo topa rei kura taku tapo rei hun atu arua tae haath rangi ura rangi hara-tua oaku matua oaku ma tenga otae ahiri noa ranga ki te rangi no te munniri a rua hiru te hetu takiri ko mumu ana kia kake mao-mao ake. Haka tau Era a Nuku te atua. Atara kahiria a uka hopua. Tun haka maua kura. Tun te ha hei kura. Tun to tieuituiri kura. Tun te matangi e ria a mangaro.


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