The Rongorongo of Easter Island
Numerical Transliteration of Item X: the Tangata Manu
Source: Commission Rongorongo, Centre d'Etudes sur l'Ile de Pâques et la Polynésie
Nota bene: Clicking on a line identifier (such as Cb06) takes you to the top of the page
- Xa01 004-000!-000!-004-099?-000!-000!-001?-000!-014?-008-600?-001?*
- Xa02 385-001*
- Xa03 000!-059f-022f-022f*
- Xa04 510-040h?-073?.006?*
- Xa05 (8-20)!*
- Xa06 205-022f-380-008-000!-000!-000!-000!-000!-024*
- Xa07 400?-546*