Codes without Image Errors
Below is a list of instances where the standard numeric corpus
provided by CEIPP ( contains codes that do not
match any glyphs. Most of these cases are instances of
excessive repetition of a sequence of codes.
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
004.600-741-626.074x-622-660-613-607o* |
Barthel numbering |
4.600 - 741 - 626 - V625 - 660 - 613 - 607o |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
595.002-394-004t-002-595.002-050-394-004t-002-595.002-050-301s.004-002-211s:042-091-595s- |
Barthel numbering |
(200 -) 595.2 - 50 - 394 - 4t - 2 - 595.2 - 50 - 301s.4 - 2 - 211s:42 - 91 - 595s - |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
320.048-017-320.048-017-320.048-019-320.048-102-385-065.003-320.045-610-607-385- |
Barthel numbering |
(3.65.200 -) 320.V48 - 17 - 320.48 - 19 - 320.48 - 102f - 385 - 65.3 - 320.45 - 610 - 607 - 385 - |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
048?-000!-000!-001?.006-379y?-025-006-000!-254?-009-004.064-050-001?-005.037* |
Barthel numbering |
48 ? …… - 1?.6 - D379y? - 25 - 6 - … - 254? - 9 - 4.64 - 50 - 1? - 5.37 |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
380.001.003-088-001-047-001-380.001.003-280-001-521-280-001-521-001-022.061-280-380.001.003-001* |
Barthel numbering |
380.1.3 - 88 - 1 - 47 - 1 - 380.1.3 - 280 - 1 - 521 - 280 - 1 - 22f.61 - 280 - 380.1.3 - 1 |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
700?.076-537-099-755.076.075-073?.066-076-168-701-302-002.076-430-090-091.076- |
Barthel numbering |
V700 ?.76 - 537 - 99 - 755.76.75 - 73?.6 - ·76 - 168 - 701 - 302.76 - 430 - 90 - 91.76 - |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
126-161-150-005-619-430.076-055a-168-072.076-011-073f-027.076-000!-002-000!.002-009.076- |
Barthel numbering |
V126 - 161 - 150 - 5 - 619 - V430.76 - 55a - 168 - V72.76 - 11 - 73f - 27.76 - … - 2 - ?.2 - 9.76 - |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
000!-000!-000!-000!-000!-099-153-001.003-039-040-000!-002* |
Barthel numbering |
…! - …! - …! - …! - …! - 99 - 153 - 1.3 - 39 - 40 - …! - 2 |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
073.006-206s-073.006-200-073.006-222-073V.006-451-073.006* |
Barthel numbering |
73.6 - 206s - 73.6 - 200 - 73.6 - 222 - V73.6 - 451-73.6- |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
001-380.001.003-316s-380.001.003-000!-007-000!* |
Barthel numbering |
1 - 380.1.3 - V316s - 380.1 - 602s - 3 - 7 - |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
203s.021et-009-710x-009c.074af-206-001f-206-001f-077b-464ay-078-078y-386.078-078y- |
Barthel numbering |
203s - 2t - 9 - 65 - 9.77 ?f - 206-1f - 206-1f - 44? - 366y? - 77 - 77 - (V386.77 - 77 - 10.1 - 700.61) |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
000!-002-306.003-060-280-301-020-020V-048-049f- |
Barthel numbering |
… - 2 - 306.3 - 60 - 280 - 301 - 20 - V20 - 48 - 49f - 200.200.200 - (2 - 207 - 5) |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
068-354-000!-007-000!-200-000!-280-002-004-280- |
Barthel numbering |
68 - 354 - ...... - 7 - ... - 200 - ... - 280 - 2 - 4 - 280 |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
019-019.061.052x-200-000!-600V-000!-095f?-200-002-006-000!* |
Barthel numbering |
19 - 19.61.52x - D200 - ... - D600 - ... - 95f? - D200 - 2 - 6 - .... |
Barthel |
Fischer |
CEIPP numbering |
004-660x-081-004-660x-081-004-660x-081-004-007-081-004-007-081-004-007- |
Barthel numbering |
4 - o660 - 81 - 4 - o660 - 81 - 4 - o660 - 81 - 4 - 7 - 81 - 4 - 7 - (81 - 4 - 280 - ) |